Working a horse with long reins is a nice addition to your daily training. Especially – but of course not exclusively – it offers a very valuable possibility when a horse can not be ridden (anymore). You can maintain training without putting weight on the horse’s back.
This is a very important aspect when it comes to older horses or those that are recovering from injuries.
In my opinion working with long reins is based on a well structured education of a horse in hand and complements this preceding training.
On the one hand it is sometimes easier to work in faster gaits from the new position behind the horse. On the other hand working a horse with long reins gives you clear information how well you have prepaired the horse in hand afore.
Since I’m walking behind the horse, I have less possibilities to manipulate the horse’s body. Therefore the horse has to definitely understand my aids to react as desired.
Is this the case when working it in hand, transferring the signals to the long reins is usually not very difficult and you can perform different exercises like lateral movements very soon.